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Services Tailored to You

Each of our services can be tailored to meet your precise needs. We fit what we do around you, not ask you to fit around us.

A Unique Range of Services

We have developed a broad range of services that help our clients achieve their financial goals and enjoy a better future.
We know that everyone is different and that every client has different needs –  so we built a unique service proposition.
With NorthStar, you only pay for what you need and you only get the services that really benefit you. We’re not interested in trying to ‘sell’ you everything we do – we really get to know you and understand your goals and dreams. We then work together to achieve your objectives in the most efficient way possible.
Whether you need just one of our services to get where you want to go – or the ‘full works’, we give you complete flexibility, complete clarity and complete transparency in everything we provide.
The services we provide are:

Investing For The Future  |  Protecting Your Family  |  Planning For Retirement  |  Strategies For Older Age  |  Holistic Financial Planning  |  Growing Your Business

Only Pay for What You Need

With NorthStar, you only pay for what you need, whether this is a single one-off service on a long-term relationship with us. Whatever your needs, we’ll help you get where you want to go.

Example 1: Investments & Pensions

Many clients we work with understand the value of full financial planning but really only want us to help them manage their investments. We work with these clients and often look at their savings, investments and pensions and get these really working for them. We can often reduce their charges, increase their performance and give them peace of mind that their investments are being managed by an expert. We provide regular investment reviews so they know they are on-track to achieve their goals and we’re always on hand should they need some input on anything related to their investments. These clients get access to the client portal so they can view their investments 24/7 and stay right on top of their money.

Ideal for: Those with simpler financial affairs who want expert investment management.

Example 3: Pure Financial Planning

We work with a number of clients who have the majority of their financial affairs in order and are happy to manage their own savings and investments. For these types of clients, we may recommend the use of our financial planning services only. This means we sit down with them regularly to review their complete financial position and help them formulate their medium and long-term goals. We run through a number of scenarios and build a financial plan to show how they could be positioned in the future. We then write up a bespoke financial plan which outlines the areas to address such as increasing investments, adding to a pension, tax planning measures or taking out additional insurance for example. The client uses this information to manage their own finances day-to-day. They would reconfigure their investments, source and take out the additional insurance required and contact their pension provider to increase their premiums in this example. 

Ideal for: More financially sophisticated clients who want some additional expert insight and guidance.

Example 6: Business Owners

Many of our clients run their own businesses and use our corporate services. This includes our business planning services where we help business owners plan the finances of the business over the next few years, often working hand-in-hand with the company’s accountants. We can also help with establishing and managing company pension schemes, auto-enrolment and business protection such a key man insurance. We find that many business owners we work with like to look at the finances of their business in conjunction with their own financial affairs. The majority therefore use our financial planning services in association with our corporate services so that they have a better understanding of their complete financial position.

Ideal for: Business owners who want to grow their company and realise its full potential.

Example 2: Specific Life Events

A significant number of people come to us because of a major life event. This may be something that has just happened or something that is approaching. Whether this is retirement, a death in the family, divorce, marriage or anything else, such events often have a financial angle. We first find out all about our clients so we can put steps in place to help them deal with the life event in question and ensure things run as smooth as possible. This may mean helping with pension income calculations, tax planning, investing for children or assessing their financial affairs for divorce or inheritance tax planning measures for example. Whatever the need, our experienced financial planners can deliver a solution. We then take care of everything so our clients can relax in the knowledge that everything is in hand. Many clients come to us during or after a major life event but we find that many stay as a long-term clients when they realise the benefits we can bring.

Ideal for: Those who need financial advice and management during specific major life events.

Example 4: The Full Works

A large number of clients we work with use the vast majority of services we offer. This means that we provide an ongoing financial planning service where we assess their current financial situation, discuss their goals and objectives for the future and help them achieve these goals by providing a detailed financial plan with implementable steps to archive this. This is reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it stays up-to-date as our clients move through their lives. We may often recommend our clients take out investment, savings or pension products to help them achieve their goals or start an insurance policy to protect them should the worst happen. For these clients, we take care of all the details, researching, advising and implementing everything. We keep an eye on all these investments and other polices to ensure they remain fit for purpose and continue to provide the best value for money. We also help these clients plan for big life events like retiring, getting divorced or helping fund for university fees for example. These clients get full access to the client portal and a NorthStar financial planner is always on hand whenever needed. This really is the complete financial planning and wealth management solution.

Ideal for: Those who need a complete financial planning and wealth management solution that covers all their financial needs.
There are numerous other examples and we have literally hundreds of combinations of services we can provide to ensure you get the services that are right for you.
During your introductory phone call, we can help you work out which services may be most beneficial given your current circumstances and objectives.
We keep our services completely flexible meaning you can start and stop any service at any time. Many of our clients start by using a single service but soon start adding to this. Others use our services for specific times in their lives such as in the run up to retirement or when they need specific advice on other major life events. Once these events have passed, there may no longer be the need to pay for a service you are no longer using.
We continually monitor the services you use to ensure you only pay for what you need and always get value for money.

Complete flexibility

We work out which of our services will benefit you most and create a unique proposition just for you. We offer complete flexibility to start and stop the services you receive any time with no contracts or tie-in periods.

Find out More About Our Unique Range of Services

Investing For The Future

Grow your assets with a proven long-term investment strategy tailored to your specific goals

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Protecting Your Family

Safeguard your financial position against the unexpected and protect the lifestyle you enjoy

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Planning For Retirement

Enjoy a rich and fulfilling retirement with our range of pension and retirement planning solutions

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Strategies For Older Age

Enjoy your latter years knowing that your financial affairs are completely under control

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Holistic Financial Planning

A comprehensive personal financial plan will be your roadmap to financial freedom

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Growing Your Business

Strategies to help you develop, grow and protect your business and maximise its value

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Take control of your finances

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Try our unique online Financial Fitness Test to see what kind of shape you are in. Get your personal fitness grade in under 10 minutes.

” The basic difference between people who live their dreams and those who only dream about it, is the accuracy of their plans and their ability to take action. “


Check Out Our Latest Special Offers

Find out more about our latest special offers. Each offer is strictly for a limited time only, so grab a deal today and take advantage of heavily discounted and free services.

Looking for a high-quality independent financial adviser (IFA) to provide a range of financial planning services?

At NorthStar, we bring a fresh perspective and innovative approach to wealth management. Our team of chartered financial planners combine their expertise with the latest technology to provide the highest quality independent financial planning and advice.

We help our clients take control of their money, grow their wealth, protect their lifestyle and plan for a more certain future.

Awards, Accreditations & Trade Associations

NorthStar is proud to be a member of the leading financial planning trade associations. Through a continued commitment to adhere to the highest professional standards and deliver exceptional service, NorthStar has received a number of awards and professional accreditations.

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