Though many have suffered financially from the COVID-19 lockdown, some Brits are enjoying a mini-windfall due to lower spending. If your savings have received a boost, how can you make the most of it? They say it’s an ill wind that blows no-one any g…
NorthStar Blog
Welcome to the NorthStar Blog. The place for the latest news, information and opinion from the NorthStar team helping you stay on top of what's going on in the world of finance.Surge in Demand for Pension Advice Amid COVID-19 Confusion
Nearly twice as many people are seeking pension drawdown advice as pension withdrawals hit a new high in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. But those acting without independent advice risk making some big mistakes. The UK has seen a rapid rise in the…
COVID-19 Raises Pension Fraud Threat Level
There’s more than one nasty disease out there. The social and economic effects of COVID-19 have created openings for pension fraudsters to exploit – so retirees need to be on their guard. Just as the coronavirus crisis has brought out the best in hum…
The Lemonade Principle: Making Good Use of Your Lockdown Time
‘Grandma, what did you do in the coronavirus lockdown?’ ‘That’s when I started the family business.’ Yes, we have to stay at home – but that’s no reason to be bitter. Sweeten your lockdown experience by taking some decisive financial action at last…
Awards, Accreditations & Trade Associations
NorthStar is proud to be a member of the leading financial planning trade associations. Through a continued commitment to work to the highest professional standards and deliver real value to all clients, our work has been rewarded with a number of awards and professional accreditations.