About the Personal Portfolio Builder
We have devised the Personal Portfolio Builder in conjunction with Morningstar to help you find out the best way to invest your money.
Most investments carry risk. Generally, the more risk you can accept with an investment, the greater the long-term growth you could achieve. Some people are more accepting of investment risks and have longer periods in which to ride out any up and downs in returns. Others are more concerned when their investments fluctuate in value. This is why every investor needs to have a portfolio of investments that is right for them – one that has just the right amount of risk to achieve the best long-term returns without too much to make the investor feel uncomfortable.
Once an optimal risk level is calculated, the investment experts at NorthStar devise a number of optimised investment portfolios which should provide excellent long-term results for each level of risk. Each portfolio is broadly diversified between different investment types and continually reviewed. You can read more about the NorthStar investment philosophy and our investment portfolios.
It is important that you answer each question as honestly as possible and select the answer that best represents how you feel on each particular topic. The Personal Portfolio Builder consists of 12 simple multiple choice questions and should take less than 5 minutes to complete.
Personal Portfolio Builder
All portfolios and portfolio performance figures in the Personal Portfolio Builder are shown as examples only. They do not constitute offers of performance that will be repeated in the future. The value of investments and the income from them can fluctuate and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Please contact us for more information on our range of portfolios.
Awards, Accreditations & Trade Associations
NorthStar is proud to be a member of the leading financial planning trade associations. Through a continued commitment to adhere to the highest professional standards and deliver exceptional service, NorthStar has received a number of awards and professional accreditations.